Welcome back to my series on using Postman with Jamf Pro. If you haven’t checked out the previous posts, or you’ve never used Postman with the Jamf Pro API, you may want to go read through these:
Using Postman for Jamf Pro API Testing – Part 1: The Basics
Using Postman for Jamf Pro API Testing – Part 2: Creating And Updating Policies
Using Postman with Jamf Pro Part 3: Computer Groups
Using Postman with Jamf Pro Part 4 – Variables & Runners
In my last post, I showed how you can use the Collection Runner feature in Postman to either run multiple API commands in sequence, or pass a CSV file full of data to an API command. The example we used was disabling a bunch of policies all at once.
In this post, I want to show how I used a Runner to create new installer policies for packages. In the environment, I used to manage we followed Bill Smith’s advice given in his JNUC 2017 talk Moving Beyond “Once Per Computer” Workflows and we created separate installer policies for each application that could then be called by other policies or scripts. When Adobe Creative Cloud would inevitably revision up to the next version (2021 to 2022 for example) we would have several new installer policies we’d have to create (at least 7 or more). Well, clicking around the GUI to do that is just nuts and a waste of time when we can create a CSV file to do it for us.
Setup API Command
First thing we need to do is to setup an API command and save it into a collection in Postman. We will want to set variables for the information that is different in each policy. For our Adobe example, the list of information that is unique is:
- Policy Name
- Custom Trigger
- Package ID
- Package Name
We will create variables for each of those values so that we can pass a CSV file to a Runner to create each policy. So we need to edit our XML and then save it to a collection in Postman. Our edited XML looks like this:
<reboot><no_user_logged_in>Do not restart</no_user_logged_in><user_logged_in>Do not restart</user_logged_in>
Sidebar: if you wanted to make this a completely generic template for creating policies, you could use variables for Frequency, Category ID (do not have to have the category name as it will pull up based on ID), and more.
Package Info
One thing we’ll need is the name of each package and the corresponding ID value. Obviously, before we can get that information we’ll need to upload each package to our Jamf Pro server. Go ahead and do that. I’ll wait…..
Ok, once you’ve uploaded everything, go into Postman and locate the “Finds All Packages” API command in the Jamf Postman collection (see Part 1 for the Jamf collection). Run that command, which will pull back every package you have uploaded to Jamf Pro, and then use the “Save Response” drop down to save the output to a file. This will save out as an XML file, but you can easily open that in Excel to have it convert to a spreadsheet.

Sidebar: If you do not have Excel, or don’t want to load it on your computer, you can find online services to convert XML to CSV, like Data.page. Also, you do not have to convert to CSV or Excel, it’s just easier to grab the package ID and package name from these formats than it is from XML.
After we have the IDs and names, we’ll want to create our CSV file. When we create the CSV we want to make sure the column headers match the variable names we use. For our example the variables we’re using are:
- name
- trigger
- pkg-id
- pkg-name
Our CSV file file should look something like this:
Adobe Photoshop 2022,photoshop2022,2,Adobe_Photoshop_2022.pkg
Adobe Illustrator 2022,illustrator2022,3,Adobe_Illustrator_2022.pkg
Adobe InDesign 2022,indesign2022,4,Adobe_InDesign_2022.pkg
Once we have all of these pieces together, we can open a new Runner tab and run our command. Drag the proper Collection into the Runner tab, select the CSV file you created, and click Run. The Runner will cycle through each line of the CSV file and create the necessary policies in Jamf Pro via the API command.
Wrap Up
Now that we’ve covered a basic Runner example and a little more complicated one using more variables, you can hopefully see the power of Postman and how it can help in the day-to-day administration of Jamf Pro.
One response to “Using Postman with Jamf Pro Part 5 – More Runners”
[…] In my previous posts about Postman I showed you how to setup Postman for working with Jamf Pro, how to create and update policies, how to gather our queries into collections, and much more. In this post I’m going to expand a little on our use of the Runner functionality which I covered in Part 4 and Part 5. […]