Category: Jamf Pro

  • Using Postman for Jamf Pro API Testing – Part 1: The Basics

    I have dabled with Postman for years but I was never able to grok the full power of the app until recently. As our environment has grown (16,000+ Mac endpoints under management) we have noticed a slow down in the response time of the Jamf Pro web interface. It’s the nature of having several hundred…

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  • Uploading Logs to Jamf Pro with the API

    Something I learned early on while doing a large scale deployment is that it is really difficult to get logs off of computers when you either don’t have network access, or you have 10,000 Macs to get logs from. There have been plenty of discussions on Jamf Nation about logging for scripts or gathering logs…

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  • How To Quickly Open a Policy in Jamf Pro

    We have a lot of policies. I mean over 1,000 policies in our Jamf Pro Server. Don’t ask. Part of it is out of necessity, but I’ll bet some of it is just because we were running so fast in 2018 to get systems enrolled and agencies under management, that we didn’t have time to,…

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  • Using AWS Lambda To Relay Jamf Pro Webhooks to Slack

    I recently got interested in utilizing webhooks in Jamf Pro but had no idea where to start. I went and watched Bryson Tyrrell’s ( presentation from JNUC 2017 Webhooks Part Deaux! and then went over to take a peek at Jackalope on the Jamf Marketplace. I read the docs, I tried to figure out how to do…

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  • JNUC 2018 – Slides And Scripts

    The slides, scripts, images, and video from my presentation “10 Things Not To Do in a Large Scale Deployment” are available on GitHub now: JNUC 2018

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  • Using lpoptions To Identify Printer Options

    In my previous post on adding printers via script I mentioned using lpoptions to identify the different option settings for a printer. Let’s open up Terminal and get started with identifying the options. You’ll need to have the printer already installed on the system, so if it isn’t installed go follow my previous post and get it…

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  • Identify EFI Fiery Driver

    In this post I talked about how we can use the lpadmin command to add a printer via script. In this post we will cover how we can identify the driver for an EFI Fiery RIP. Note: all Fiery RIPs do not use the same driver, so you will want to follow this process for any Fiery…

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  • Deploying Printers via Script

    Deploying printers on the Mac in an enterprise environment, or heck, just in a small office environment, can be done in multiple ways. If you don’t have a management tool, or ARD, you’re going to be running around doing it by hand. If you have a management tool, like Munki or Jamf, then you can…

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  • Custom Theme Fonts Office 2016 Mac

    I was given the task of deploying a custom theme for Office 2016 the other day. Not having done this before, I did what I always do: I searched Google for the answer. I was able to figure out where to place the theme file, so I went about my merry way packaging up the…

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