Author: Steve

  • What’s Your Extension

    To say that I’m a huge fan of JAMF Software‘s Casper Suite is probably putting it lightly.  I love it, and one of the features I love is the ability to use Extension Attributes for gather information. In the old days of Casper we had no real way of gathering things like Flash version and…

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  • Jenkins & AutoPKG – Love At First Sight

    In my two previous posts, I talked about deploying AutoPkg and Jenkins.  AutoPkg allows us to build packages from common apps, like Adobe Flash or VLC, using recipes.  This allows for all of the guess work to be done through automation.  Then with Jenkins, we deployed a Continuous Integration server that allows for the scheduling…

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  • Meet My New Assistant – Jenkins

    Continuing with my posts on automation, or at least the automation of package building, I’d like to introduce you to my new assistant, Jenkins.  Jenkins is a continuous integration server.  Continuous Integration, or CI, is defined by Wikipedia as: Continuous integration (CI) is the practice, in software engineering, of merging all developer working copies with…

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  • AutoPkg – Your New Best Friend

    There’s been a lot of talk in the Mac admin community recently about AutoPkg (  This tool, currently being developed by Greg Neagle and Tim Sutton, allows for the use of “recipes” to download and package different software found on the Internet.  This ability takes a lot of the work out of locating software, downloading…

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