Author: Steve
Pre-Loading AWS S3 Buckets With Jamf Pro
Quickly refresh dev environment storage by side loading your S3 buckets.
Collecting Data Using Plist Files
At our recent Dallas area Casper User Group meeting, we got into a discussion around collecting data during a Casper recon. Specifically we were discussing the use of Extension Attributes to collect information about virtual machines. Extension Attributes are a way to capture information from your systems. You can use scripts to pull information or drop…
To Image or To First Boot
When I first started out with the Casper Suite back in 2008, it was commonplace to create imaging configurations with their Casper Imaging tool. Drop an OS image into Casper, add in some applications in the order you want them installed, maybe a preference or two, and voila, you now have an imaging configuration for use…
Scripting Remote Desktop Bookmarks
A few years ago I was searching for a way to easily create bookmarks in Microsoft Remote Desktop 8 on the Mac. Prior to version 8 you could drop an .RDP file on a machine and that was really all you needed to do to give your users the ability to connect to servers. Granted,…
Custom CrashPlan Install With Casper
I’m a fanboy. There, I said it and I’m proud of it. I’m a fanboy of JAMF Software’s Casper Suite. I’m also a fanboy of Code42 and their CrashPlan software. Put them together and it’s like when the two teens discovered peanut butter and chocolate as an amazing combination. I am all about trying to…
Upgrading CrashPlan Pro to 5.1.2 on Ubuntu
Since I tend to forget things the day after I do them, I’ve decided I’m going to write this one down. While I can manage my way around a LINUX install, especially Ubuntu flavors of Linux, I’m no system administrator or whiz kid by any stretch of the imagination. I tend to plunk around and…
Upgrading Adobe Flash Player
Recently on JAMF Nation there was a discussion about the Adobe Flash Player Distribution site going away. This site is where admins can go to get a copy of Flash that can then be legally distributed to their fleet of machines. The discussion started out to be about the change Adobe recently made to the URL…
DFW Casper User Group Meeting April 1, 2015
Here are the links to resources that were mentioned tonight at the meeting: Rich Trouton’s blog: Ben Tom’s blog: Shea Craig’s blog: Univ Utah rc.netboot fix: JAMF Support GitHub: Bryson Tyrell: Mike Morales GitHub: JAMF Nation JNUC 2014 Playlist: My GitHub Repo: IRC – there is a…
JAMF Nation User Conference 2014
Every year as October gets closer, I get anxious. I know that at some point, usually toward the end of the month, I will be traveling up to Minneapolis for the JAMF Nation User Conference, JNUC. The conference is located at the Guthrie Theater in downtown, in the Mill district of Minneapolis, right on the…