Here are the links to resources that were mentioned tonight at the meeting:
Rich Trouton’s blog:
Ben Tom’s blog:
Shea Craig’s blog:
Univ Utah rc.netboot fix:
JAMF Support GitHub:
Bryson Tyrell:
Mike Morales GitHub:
JAMF Nation JNUC 2014 Playlist:
My GitHub Repo:
IRC – there is a #jamfnation channel on the Freenode IRC server. A lot of great minds hang out on that channel during the day. While it is not a JAMF sponsored place, even a few JAMFers hang out in there occasionally. It’s a great way to get help in real time. If you’ve never used IRC before, or it’s been a while, IRC Cloud is a great IRC app:
Some Tools:
AutoDMG – tool for creating never before booted OS X DMG files for use in Casper or AutoCasperNBI
AutoCasperNBI – tool for creating NetBoot images
CreateUserPKG – tool for creating a package that will “install” a user on a system
AutoPKG – tool for downloading applications and updates. Utilizes recipes from the community. Can be coupled with Jenkins for automation. See my series of posts about it, starting with this one.
AutoPKGr – AutoPKG with a GUI front end, and integeration into the JSS. This tool eliminates the need to implement Jenkins
vfuse – tool for creating VMware Fusion VMs from DMG files
The presentation from tonight, minus the movies, can be downloaded from here:
Music tonight was courtesy of the JNUC 2014 playlist on Spotify, put together by Mike Paul: